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Attendance Policy

A student is considered tardy if they are not present at the start of rehearsal. A student is considered absent from a rehearsal 30 minutes after the rehearsal was scheduled to begin. A parent/guardian must fill out the Absence Request Form below two weeks prior to any performance to be considered excused, and 24 hours (or more) in advance for any rehearsal.


Doctors notes should be emailed / hand-delivered to the corresponding director.


Excused Absences or Partial Absences will be granted for family emergency, illness, religious observance, college visit, CISD activity/sport event (not regular practice), or other extenuating circumstance.

Please note that student jobs, non-school sponsored activities, SAT and ACT test preparation, and drivers education courses will not be considered for an Excused Absence or Excused Partial Absence.


Unexcused absences/tardies can affect your grade, part assignment, and/or performance status. Ultimately, the directors have final say on determining whether an absence is Excused or Unexcused.

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