Band Media for Sale.
Look. Listen. Buy stuff. Support the Band.
NEW for 2017!
For one low price ($25.00), purchase TWO different video collections: The Band Banquet DVD (student sketches, Senior Tributes) PLUS the Dragon Band "Year in Music 2016-2017" Blu-ray.
You get BOTH of the discs below for $25. The Banquet DVD will be delivered at the Band Banquet (or available for pickup later by those not attending the banquet). The "Year in Music" Blu-ray will be completed following graduation and will be available for pickup during Summer Band Camp in early August 2017.
BUY the DVD and the BLU-RAY (both!) for one low price:
Not available separately.
Profits go directly to the Dragon Band program.

Band Banquet DVD
The annual Band Banquet DVD contains the videos that will first be seen live at the Band Banquet:
- The "Band Video" (Student Skits written & produced by band students)
- Senior Tributes from the Class of 2017

Dragon Band:
The Year in Music
This all-new Blu-ray is a comprehensive year-in-review collection of videos, sound recordings, and photos — spanning the 2016-2017 school year — as documented by parent volunteers Bryan Harston, Lynda Warner, and many others. A great keepsake for students, parents, family and friends.
Featuring fully-interactive menus and content, the disc includes multiple performance videos of the 2016 competition show "Contact," including a professionally-produced multi-camera recording. Also included: Video of the "LIDS" playoff show; Competition videos of Carroll Winterguards, Carroll Indoor Percussion, and lots more.
Photo/Slide shows cover Summer Band, football season, marching competitions, and the Spring Trip. Special features include "What is the Dragon Band?" promotional recruiting video and a time-lapse contest video ("Contact" in 45 seconds!).
(click the icons below!)
DELIVERY NOTE: Price does not include shipping. Both discs will be avilable for pickup during Summer Band (Aug 2017) at the CHS Band Hall.