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Freshmen FAQs.

Freshmen Resources
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There is a lot going on in Band and parents and volunteers fuel the program. The Boosters need volunteers for almost every activity - your participation will ensure that everything goes smoothly.


In addition to volunteering, the most important things you can do are to Read the bi-weekly  eBlast, visit the website often, sign up for REMINDS and participate in Booster Meetings!


August  Volunteer Needs



Help size students for Band accessories. Help order, pickup and/or distribute items to students in August. Keep up with "extras" and strays throughout the marching season.

Uniform Fittings: 

Assist with measuring students and assigning marching uniforms.  Help with ironing cuffs on jackets and pants. Assist in ongoing dry cleaning and maintenance of uniforms.

Band Photos Helper:  

Assist with organizing students during the professional group and individual photos.

Ice Cream Social: 

Distribute ice cream and beverages at the family social following the Parent Demonstration.

Prop Building:

Help with various aspects of props: constructing, sewing, etc.


Fall Volunteer Needs

Football Games and Competitions


Refreshment Helper:

Distribute refreshments during football games (water, snacks). Fill water coolers and load them at CHS before the games and competitions.

Meal Helper: 

Distribute meals and drinks before games, at 4pm in the CHS Band Hall. Usually 1-2 games per season.

Uniform Distribution: 

Check uniforms out and back in for football games and competitions. Assist in ongoing dry cleaning and maintenance of uniforms.


Ride on buses with students to football games or competitions, distribute refreshments, assist as needed during games and competitions.


Help pull band trailers to football games, competitions, concerts, etc. as needed and help with semi trailer.


Collect the home football game parking fees at Dragon Stadium for home football gamesMany parents are needed (35 per game), so please help if at all possible. You will be done around 7:30pm and will see most of the game and ALL of the half time show! 


Assist in transporting and moving props during halftime show.


Other Fall Events


Concert Uniforms (November):

Assist with sizing and distributing concert uniforms (dresses and tuxes) in early November.

Band Directory (September): 

Assist with proofing and distributing the Band directories.

Student Trip Account Fundraisers (August - November):

Assist with sales of Dragon Stadium Skybox tickets, Mixed Bag catalog items, or gourmet food items. These are voluntary fundraisers, where proceeds are allocated to the Student Trip Accounts of the student who sells them.  Mixed Bags, Ham/Turkey

Senior Recognition Night (October/November):

Assist with activities during the Senior Night football game.



Ongoing Volunteer Needs




Assist with communication to the news media and CISD Communications Director any events or activities of interest involving the Carroll Band program(s) and Band Booster activities.

Spring Trip (Trip in April, planning ongoing):

Assist with registration of students and chaperones, as well as preparation of folders, name tags, and other items pertaining to the trip.

UIL/TMEA Competitions (November/December/January/May):

Process systems and paperwork for the following contests: TMEA All‐Region/All‐Area/All‐State and UIL Solo and Ensemble (region and state), including student registrations and processing of competition fees.

Band Spirit Store:

Help design and sell approved Band merchandise via online store. 

Concert and Event Programs:

Help design and print concert and event programs.


Record the events of the year via video and still photography and assist with preparing the CD/DVD for sale and for preparation of Band Banquet.

Winter/Spring Volunteer Needs



Band Bistro (Early February):

This is the Band's main fundraiser. Much assistance is needed visiting area business for donations for the silent auction. Help is also needed setting up and serving food and working the silent auction the night of the Bistro.

Band Banquet (May Event with planning starting in January):

Assist with decorations, registration, and program preparation for the end of year celebration. Monthly meetings leading up to the May event.

Band Auditions (Late April):

Schedule volunteers, monitor audition rooms, check in students, and distribute post audition information packets.

Nominating Committee (May):

Work with Parliamentarian to interview, select, and recommend the slate of officers for next year for presentation to the membership in May for a vote, and recommend committee chairmen for next year to the Carroll Band Booster Board. 


Solicit sponsors for the overall Band program and for specific events (does not include Bistro).

Spring Hospitality (April):

Order and deliver food for PreUIL concert judges, Drumline audition judges, and Leadership/Drum Major audition judges.


(log-in required)

Remind Text Alerts

Concert Band Roster

Band Council Chart

Band Handbook

Concert Dress/Tux Care

Private Lesson Teachers

Leadership Charts
Game Schedule

Competition Schedule

Varsity Challenge Form
Competition Guides

Who Does What

Terminology & Bands

Uniforms and Attire 

How to Get Involved


Meeting Minutes

Check Request

Scholarship Application

Executive Board

Committee Chart




General Band
Marching Band
Mr. Ken Johnson

Mr. Jon Maynard

Jazz Band
Mr. David Lown

Color Guard
Mr. James Thomas


Band Booster


Paul LeBlanc


Brenda Kleespies

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