Freshmen FAQs.
Freshmen Resources
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Full Director Bios HERE
Mr. Ken Johnson
Oversees and manages the Band Program and the Marching show.
Mr. Philip Jones:
Assists Mr. Johnson with the Band program and Marching show.
Mr. David Lown:
Oversees and manages the Jazz program, the Jazz classes and the Jazz bands. Works with Mr. Johnson on the marching show.
Mr. Jon Maynard:
Oversees and manages the Percussion program, the Percussion ensemble class, the middle school Percussion ensemble clubs and Spring Indoor Percussion. Oversees the Percussion students in the marching show.
Mr. James Thomas:
Oversees and manages the Colorguard marching show, Colorguard Class, and Winterguard program.
Committee Chairs located HERE
Paul LeBlanc - President
Oversees the Band Booster program, liaison to the Band Directors.
Mary Dean - 1st VP
In charge of Fundraising (mixed Bags /Ham&Turkey /Skybox Raffle), Band Bistro , Band Store , Sponsorships , and Parking.
Jenny Prince - 2nd VP
In charge of Marching Uniforms and Accessories, Concert Uniforms, Bus/Chaperones, Equipment Transportation, Meals and Water, Spring Trip, Trailer , Props , Colorguard Liaison.
Stacey Nesmith - 3rd VP
In charge of 1st Day Packets/Registration, Incoming Student Sessions, Volunteers, Parent Demo/Ice Cream Social, Band Photos, Drumline Liaison, and Auditions.
Devon Doby - 4th VP
In charge of Band Banquet, Concert Programs , UIL/TMEA Competition, Senior Recognition Night, and Letter Jackets
Brenda Kleespies - 5th VP
In charge of Band Communication and Publicity
Charla Thompson - Secretary
In charge of Meeting Minutes, Charms database, and Directory
Mike McTaggart - Treasurer
In charge of all things money related for Boosters, Marching, Concert, Colorguard and Indoor Drumline.
Julie Doyle - Parlimentarian
In charge of Audit, By-Laws, Nominating, Historian, Publicity Coordinator
(log-in required)
Remind Text Alerts
Concert Band Roster
Band Council Chart
Band Handbook
Concert Dress/Tux Care
Private Lesson Teachers
Leadership Charts
Game Schedule
Competition Schedule
Varsity Challenge Form
Competition Guides
Who Does What
Terminology & Bands
Uniforms and Attire
How to Get Involved
Meeting Minutes
Check Request
Scholarship Application
Executive Board
Committee Chart
General Band
Marching Band
Mr. Ken Johnson
Mr. Jon Maynard
Jazz Band
Mr. David Lown
Color Guard
Mr. James Thomas
Band Booster
Brenda Kleespies