Freshmen FAQs.
Freshmen Resources
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Remind Text Alerts
Concert Band Roster
Band Council Chart
Band Handbook
Concert Dress/Tux Care
Private Lesson Teachers
Leadership Charts
Game Schedule
Competition Schedule
Varsity Challenge Form
Competition Guides
Who Does What
Terminology & Bands
Uniforms and Attire
How to Get Involved
Meeting Minutes
Check Request
Scholarship Application
Executive Board
Committee Chart
General Band
Marching Band
Mr. Ken Johnson
Mr. Jon Maynard
Jazz Band
Mr. David Lown
Color Guard
Mr. James Thomas
Band Booster
Brenda Kleespies
June Band Camp (all new and returning marchers)
Accessory Fitting (all band students)
ALL students will be fitted for band polo. JV and Varsity marchers will be fitted for Friday t-shirt, gloves, shoes, shorts. Jazz will be fitted for polos.
July Band Camp (all new and returning marchers)
Varsity Marching Band Camp (all varsity marchers and colorguard)
Marchers will spend the month of August learning the marching show. During the 2-week band camp, there is a lunch break from 12-1:30 in which students can go home, bring lunch to eat in band hall or drive to get lunch.
Marching Uniform Fittings
All Varsity and JV marchers will be fitted for Band Jackts, Band Pants, Shako (hat) and Gauntlets during the afternoon practices of band camp
Booster and Parent meeting - Early August
All parents will attend this first meeting to receive information about registration and other important events.
Online Registration (all band, jazz and colorguard students)
All needed band and/or marching/percussion/colorguard accessories will be purchased in the Online registration. Band fees are paid at this time.
Mixed Bag Fundraiser/Ham and Turkey Fundraiser/Skybox Raffle Ticket Sales
All proceeds from fundraisers will go into students’ individual accounts and can be used to offset spring trip costs.
FISH Camp performance
Dragon Band will perform at Freshmen Orientation
Convocation Performance and Pictures
Dragon Band will perform for Teacher Back-to-School. Following performance, Band pictures will be taken in the CSHS gym. Pictures include full band, sections, individual and friends which are available for purchase.
Parent Demo and Ice Cream Social
Parents are invited to the last part of practice to see a performances of pieces of the Fall show and to learn about how the students learn to march. Following the demo, ice cream will be served in the cafeteria where parents and students can mingle and socialize.
Friday Football Games Start
What Happens on a Friday Night Football Game?
Band students will wear their Friday night t-shirt to school on football Fridays. Students will bring their marching accessories to school in the morning (gloves, black shorts, ballcaps, marching shoes,). After school, students will have a short practice in the CHS parking lot. After practice, Boosters will provide a Friday night meal for all the students. You will be able to make special meal requests during registration. After dinner, students will change into their marching uniform and take buses to Dragon Stadium or an away game. After the game, the buses will bring students back to CHS where they can then leave or be picked-up. Mr.Johnson will alert you to arrival times via REMIND texts.
Friday Football Games
Band Booster Meeting – 1st Tuesday
Skybox Raffle Game
A lucky winner will receive 15 seats in the skybox for the designated game
Jazz All-Region
Auditions are required for Jazz Orchestra and Ensemble and optional for any Jazz Band student that wants to audition for a spot in the TMEA Region 31 Jazz Bands. Students who make the top band will audition for Area and State Jazz Bands
Friday Football Games
Booster Meeting – 1st Tuesday
Saturday Band Competitions
Competitions will be on Saturdays and usually last all day. Students will meet and practice at CHS then travel to competition and perform. If finals are made, then the Band will perform again usually in the evening. Meals are provided by the Boosters on competition days.
Region 31 UIL Marching Competition
Every two years, Texas marching bands will compete for UIL Region, Area and State titles. 2017 is not a UIL year.
Homecoming Parade
During a weekday of Homecoming week (historically Wednesday), in the evening, Dragon Band will participate in the Homecoming Parade held at Southlake Town Center
Band Booster Meeting - 1st Tuesday
Friday Football Game
UIL State Marching Contest
Every other year, If Dragon Band makes it to the UIL State marching level, the Marching State Contest will be held early Novenmber.
Playoff Games Start
Playoff games start as soon as the regular football season is over. Games can be on Fridays or Saturdays and can be at various locations. Carroll will play until eliminated. The final playoff game is usually the 3rd weekend in December. For all playoff games, Band, Belles, Crew and Cheerleaders will perform a special “lids” halftime show together.
Jazz All-Region Clinic and Concert
Any student that made an All-Region Jazz band will participate in a clinic and concert.
Winterguard Auditions
Winterguard involves an indoor colorguard show and competitions through the spring.
6A Classical All-Region Phase 1
Concert Band students will audition for a spot in the TMEA Region 31 Concert Bands. Students who make it through Phase 1 will audition in Phase 2 in November
Possible Friday or Saturday Football Playoff Games
Band Booster Meeting - 1st Tuesday
Winter Jazz Concert
6A Classical All-Region Phase 2
Concert Band students will audition for a spot in the TMEA Region 31 Concert Bands. Students who make the top band will audition for Area and State Concert Bands.
Winter Band Concert
Winterguard Practices Start
Indoor Percussion Starts
Indoor Percussion involves an indoor percussion marching show and competitions through the spring.
Band Booster Meeting - 1st Tuesday
TMEA Area Auditions
Any Student making top All-Region Concert Band will audition for an Area and State Band.
TMEA All-Region Clinic and Concert
Any student that made an All-Region Concert Band will participate in a clinic and concert.
Winterguard Competitions start
Indoor Percussion Competitions start
Jazz Orchestra Essentially Ellington Recording
Jazz Orchestra will make an audition recording for the prestigious Essentially Ellington Jazz Competition in NYC.
UIL Solo and Ensemble Contest
Students wanting to compete will prepare a solo and/or an ensemble piece for the contest. Lists of music choices will be available. Any solo and/or ensemble receiving a score of “1” will go to TSSEC (TX State Solo and Ensemble Contest) in May
Middle School Night
Middle school students will spend an evening at the high school working on UIL music with the Wind Symphony, Wind Ensemble and Percssion Ensemble
Band Booster Meeting - 1st Tuesday
Band Bistro is the main fundraising event for the Band. It is a fun, casual evening filled with solo and ensemble performances, plus Jazz band and the indoor Drumline show. Dinner is served and there is a large silent auction.
Winterguard Competitions
Indoor Percussion Competitions
Jazz Festivals/Competitions Start
All three Jazz bands will compete in multiple Jazz festivals and Competitions throughout the spring
Band Booster Meeting - 1st Tuesday
Winterguard Competitions
Indoor Percussion Competitions
Jazz Festivals/Competition
Indoor Percussion Championships
Winterguard Championships
6a Concert UIL Contest
Carroll Concert Bands will perform selected pieces for the UIL Contest. The goal is to receive a “1” score on performances.
Section Leader Applications/Try outs
Drum Major Applications/Try-outs
Band Audition
Spring Jazz Concert
Colorguard Auditions
Percussion Leadership Auditions
Leadership Training
Band Banquet is held every May at the TX Motor Speedway. All band members and parents can attend. The evening includes, dinner, the student produced band video, awards and the senior tributes and slideshow. Parents leave around 9:00 and the rest of the evening is dancing and music for the students.
Drumline/Front Ensemble Auditions
Rookie Camp
Band Council Elections
TSSEC Austin
Any student achieving a “1” on a Solo and Ensemble performance from January will travel to Austin for 2 days to perform in the TX State Solo and Ensemble Contest
Graduation performance
Dragon Band will perform at the Graduation ceremony.